Instructor:        黃崇明 Chung-Ming Huang
Office:               4206C
Phone:               06-27575755 轉 62523
Class   Time:     TH 6-8 (14:10-17:00)
Class   Room:     4201
Office   Hour:    Wednesday, 10:10-12:00
TA   email:
Course Description
With the advanced wireless network technologies of the physical layer, the Wi Fi wireless network is changed from Wi Fi 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 to Wi Fi 6 and the mobile cellular network is changed from 2G/3G/3.5G/4G to 5G and the 6G cellular network is discussing currently. This course gives the level of graduate study for the next generation wireless mobile network. This course mainly concentrates on 4G/5G cellular network, the IEEE 802.11ah Wi Fi network called Wi Fi HaLow for Internet Of Thing (IOT) and multimedia network. The goal of this course is threefold: (1) introducing the fundmental and advanced knowledge of the next generation wireless mobile network, (2) understanding state-of-the-art research results of the next generation wireless mobile network and (3) getting the technical viewpoints for the future wireless mobile network. Students will get the core knowledge of the next generation wireless mobile network after taking this course. There are 3 parts in this course: lecture, student presentation and term report.
The goal of this course is threefold :
Course Outline
Course Schedule
Week 1: Introduction of Wireless and Mobile Network-Wi Fi and 2/3/3.5G networks
Week 2: Introduction of Wireless and Mobile Network-Wi Fi and 2/3/3.5G networks
Week 3: 4G Cellular Network
Week 4: 5G Cellular Network
Week 5: Holiday
Week 6: 4G and 5G Cellular Vehicle-To-X (C-V2X) Network and Platoon
Week 7: 4G Sidelink Communication Network for C-V2V
Week 8: TA’s tutorial for NS3 and Matlab
Week 9: 5G Sidelink Communication Network for NR C-V2V
Week 10: Multimedia Network and QUIC
Week 11: Presentation and Term Project Proposal
Week 12: Multicast Broadcast Multimedia Network (MBMS) in Cellular Network
Week 13: IEEE 802.11ah Network for Internet Of Thing (IOT)
Week 14: Wi-Fi 6/7 Network
Week 15: Student presentations
Week 16: Student presentations/Students' working time for term project
Week 17: Demo of Term Projects
Week 18: Term report
Text Book:
Term Report due date:
Grading Scheme: