Instructor:        黃崇明 Chung-Ming Huang
Office:               4206C
Phone:               06-27575755 轉 62523
Class   Time:     TH 6-8 (14:10-17:00)
Class   Room:     4201
Office   Hour:    Wednesday, 10:10-12:00
TA   email:
Course Description
With the advanced wireless network technologies of the physical layer, the Wi Fi wireless network is changed from Wi Fi 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 to 6 and then Wi Fi 7 and the mobile cellular network is changed from 2G/3G/3.5G/4G to 5G and then 6G cellular network is discussing currently. This course gives the level of graduate study for the next generation wireless mobile network. This course mainly concentrates on 4G/5G cellular network, the IEEE 802.11ah Wi Fi HaLow for Internet Of Thing (IOT) and multimedia network.
The goal of this course is threefold :
Course Outline
Course Schedule
Week 1: Introduction of Wireless and Mobile Network-Wi Fi and 2/3/3.5G networks
Week 2: Introduction of Wireless and Mobile Network-Wi Fi and 2/3/3.5G networks
Week 3: 4G Cellular Network
Week 4: Resource Allocation Schemes and 5G Cellular Network
Week 5: 5G Cellular Network
Week 6: Handover of 4G/5G Cellular Network
Week 7: 4G and 5G Cellular Vehicle-To-X (C-V2X) Network and platoon
Week 8: Tutorial of network simulation (NS3, OmniNet and Matlab)
Week 9: 4G Sidelink Communication Network for C-V2V
Week 10: 5G Sidelink Communication Network for NR C-V2V
Week 11: Presentation and Term Project Proposal
Week 12: Multimedia Network
Week 13: Multicast Broadcast Multimedia Network (MBMS) in Cellular Network
Week 14: IEEE 802.11ah Network for Internet Of Thing (IOT) and Supplement
Week 15: Student presentations
Week 16: Student presentations
Week 17: Demo of Term Projects
Week 18: Term report
Text Book:
Term Report due date:
Grading Scheme: