Instructor:        黃崇明 Chung-Ming Huang
Office:               4206C
Phone:               06-27575755 轉 62523
Class   Time:     Monday - 15:10~17:00
Class   Room:     65304
Office   Hour:    Wednesday - 14:10~16:00
TA   email:
Course Description
此外,此課程將嘗試以USR (University Social Responsibility,大學社會責任)的精神,協助國民中學以DEH文史脈流平台建立「校本課程」。期末專題將與國中學生合作,共同完成一擇定場域之行動數位文化資產(M-DCH)內容與運用。
Four parts of this course are :
This course is (1) classified as the cross domain’s creative network applications and services of Information Communication&Literature History for M-DCH and (2) a flipped and multi-discipline course trying to offer a rendezvous to let students from different backgrounds and knowledge to take a course together. Students from different colleges are welcomed to take this course.
Course Outline
Course Schedule
Week 1: Mobivation and brief of M-DCH (1-w)
Week 2: Usage of the DEH web system-Metadata&downloading/exploring AND DEH APP-DEH Mini (outdoor practice)
Week 3: Usage of the DEH web system-Authoring
Week 4: Usage of the DEH APP-DEH Make (outdoor practice)
Week 5: Advanced function of the DEH – The Group function
Week 6: Holiday
Week 7: Advanced function of the DEH - U-School for M-DCH Test (文資學堂)
Week 8: Invited Talk(10/24)
Week 9: Advanced function of DEH - The Content Of Interest (COI) mechanism
Week 10: *與海佃國中學生進行合作之分組與設定期末專題的場域/題目
(上課時間改成11/7一->11/12六, 地點: 海佃國中)
Week 11: Presentation 1: Demo of Project 1 (Outdoor or indoor)
Presentation 2: Project 2’s proposal
Week 13: *期末project現地製作- co-work with 海佃國中學生
(上課時間改成11/28一->12/2六, 地點: 安南之擇定場域)
Week 14: Potential Business Models of M-DCH
Week 15: Presentation 3 and Project 3 - Creative Ideas of D-DCH’s Potential Business Model
Week 16: *Presentation 4: Demo of Project 2 (Outdoor or indoor) (1/2-w)
(上課時間改成12/19一->12/23六, 地點: 安南之擇定場域)
Week 17: 17. *Presentation 4: Demo of Project 2 (Outdoor or indoor) (2/2-w)
(上課時間改成12/26一->12/31六, 地點: 擇定場域)
Week 18: Term project
Text Book:
Current papers and technical articles & guides in the literatures.
Term Report due date:
Grading Scheme: